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Blackboard Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Service desk Technology Leadership Strategy Delivery and IT Management Exec management Make time aside from the “crisis of the moment” to think in a true “strategic manner” What are Our Priorities- Lean kit Do we have achieve by dates on ALL What Improvements are we making on : our solution stack - productisation of any initiative - messaging and sales What Resources do we need to make the initiative work Where can help each other the most this week. REVIEW 7 GEESE FEEDBACK X 1 GOALS MENTORING - LISTEN/LEARN FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVEMENT Daily Huddles goal focus and progress business performance Thank you Opportunities & Bottlenecks solution planning design desk Schedule Achievements business Trends Client Update initiative Progress day prior Team advice Whats COming Up BIg Picture Implications - Initiatives Proposals Due/TBR PLAn – Jamie Issues Man - client Risks emerging – Identification – Remediation Plan - Client Approval • Internal IT • Hosted Infrastructure Don't Sweat it... Contribute. USE DASHBOARDS. Rivercity Rhythm Team Month Review MONTHLY ONE ON ONE Quarterly celebration WEEKLY Issue Man vCIO CLIENTS wINS cHALLENGES Separate elements WEEKLY Exec Meeting yOU -chECK IN fEEDBACK (1 PER MNTH) rECOGNITION GOALS -SET AND ACTION ITS YOUR CAREER....... Weekly Team Breakfast People and Purpose Recap and Planning Around the business initiative update WEEKLY Director Meeting People - 7 geese review BUsiness UNit Month to date Strategic Goals Forward schedules Bi Weekly lunch and learn Solution review Tools Process Improvements Bi Weekly lunch and learn Solution review Tools Process Improvements


Transcript: All professors must attend the program. Professors will not have an excuse for not knowing how to operate Blackboard. Both professors and students benefit from the solution. It will cause more work for the professors to learn how to use it. Some people will not like it, and will complain about having to use it. Advantages Make Blackboard training and the use of Blackboard mandatory for all professors. Implementing Solution Send out a few emails to all the professors that there is going to be a change, and they are going to have to attend training for Blackboard, and start using it. Allow the professors to sign up for different days and times for the training. Make it a slow efficient change. Implementing Solution Why does this problem exist? Pros of solving the problem Disadvantages How do we know this problem exists? we hear complaints from students about not being able to access blackboard for some of there classes. some professors tell students that they just don't use blackboard. some students are not able to access notes because they don't have blackboard. Importance and Significance Some professors do not know how to use Blackboard. they might not have been introduced to blackboard through training. there also may not be any training available for them to attend in order to learn the program. they may already have a program they like to use and don't want to go through training. they might not make time to learn how to use blackboard. Some professors don’t want to use Blackboard. they might not know what all blackboard has to offer them. some professors feel like they are making students responsible by not giving them access to blackboard. professors who have been teaching longer may not want to switch to more advanced technology. professors may view it as more work for them and not see how they can benefit from it as well. Analyze the Problem Blackboard Some professors will not like Blackboard and my choose to not do everything possible for students to benefit the most from it. Professors who are used to older technology might have a hard time adjusting to the Blackboard Learning System. Our professors here at UCA do not know how to, or they choose not to, use Blackboard Learning System. Root of the Problem Set up a second training (after a month or so) where the professors can come back and ask new questions or make suggestions for improvement on the system. Let them know the suggestions will be considered and changes will be made as needed. Solution o It is inconvenient for students not to have Blackboard: Due dates of assignments. Access to communicate with other students in the same class. Class announcements and extra credit opportunities. Ability to check grades. Availability of books. Access to class power points and notes. Results Blackboard is a place where students could have all of the information for all of our classes in one place. Students don’t have to remember a lot of different websites to find their assignments for their different classes. Professors could also use this to keep all of their classes organized and all in one place. Cons of solving the problem Students are able to access all of the helpful things Blackboad has to offer. Professors have an easier way to calculate grades and post announcements for students. Both the student and the professors benefit from the change.

Blackboard ideas color prezi template

Transcript: Narrow Frame Retrofit Windows New Roof Licensed Building Contractor Certifications Windows Entry Doors Inside/Outside Sales Assistant Service Department Scheduling Bookkeeping Best Products Referrals The Man Just Kidding! Serge is the Prezi King! Rustic Vinyl Windows with Color! Door Closed and Decorative Glass Doors Licensed Contractor (27 Yrs. Exp.) Lifetime Installation Warranty $2,000,000.00 Liability Insurance Protect Customers Property Work Comp. Insurance Covers Injured Workers Sheila Doors Modern Old Drafty Windows Amy The Installers and Customer First Consultations Not Sale Calls No One Sit Sign Bring the Showroom Old Glass Roof Interior Doors Sales Social Media Assistant Ad Designer Personal Assistant Bouncer Aubrie Taking the "pane" out of window shopping! Traditional Whole House (Large Job Discounts) Small Multifamily Complexes Contractors: Home Renovators Flippers The Bulls eye Referral Retrofit Replacement Windows Reviews (Outside of BNI) Best Warranty David's Family Meet the Staff Action Window and Door New Construction Windows and Door Today's BNI Presentation: You know who you are..... Serge. Lifetime Warranty (Minimum) 10 yr. Transferable Labor and Materials Taking the "pane" out of window shopping! and Repairs Broken Glass Damaged Screens Track and Rollers Jobs with Less than 3 windows Mean People Before Not your ordinary Vinyl windows. Bay Windows Installation The Bad Referral Inside Looking Out Garden Windows Window Action Advantage Bow Window After French Doors Door Molded Panel Doors Inside & Outside Sales Operations/Project Manager Marketing Assistant HERO Coordinator Dave's Third Right Hand Double Lifetime Transferable Labor and Materials Glass Breakage Protect the Customer Door Open Multi-slide Doors Wood Doors dialogue we think I think DEtails

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