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Influenza Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Basic Facts INFLUENZA Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, eyes or possibly their nose. Just wait a Sec ... Pathology . an acute, commonly epidemic disease, occurring in several forms, caused by numerous rapidly mutating viral strains and characterized by respiratory symptoms and general prostration. Basically known as the flu. Get vaccinated Pay attention because TRUST & BELIEVE you don't want it ! Now here's how to prevent it --> Influenza is a highly contagious disease that is spread by coughing, sneezing and through direct physical contact with objects that carry the virus such as doorknobs and telephones. Symptoms include fever, extreme fatigue, and headaches; about 50 percent of infected people have no symptoms but are still contagious Influenza is the sixth leading cause of death among American adults. Each year, about 36,000 people die from influenza, and 114,000 people are hospitalized. Immunization is 70-90 percent effective in preventing influenza in health people under the age of 65. he influenza vaccine cannot cause influenza. New variants of influenza arise each year and therefore a new vaccine must be made and given each year. Presented By: Latrenda McCurry :) What Is it ?? Cough Runny/Stuffy nose Muscle of Bodyaches Some might even have vomitting or possibly Diarrhea (which is more common for children than adults) bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections, dehydration, and worsening of chronic medical conditions, such as congestive heart failure, asthma, or diabetes Still clueless ?? Watch this . What is it ? Definition: Simple to catch huh ? Other Symptoms & Complications Explaining How The Flu Spreads Influenza The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine every season. There are two types of flu vaccines: “Flu shots” — inactivated vaccines (containing killed virus) that are given with a needle. There are three flu shots being produced for the United States market now. -The regular seasonal flu shot is “intramuscular” which means it is injected into muscle (usually in the upper arm). It has been used for decades and is approved for use in people 6 months of age and older, including healthy people, people with chronic medical conditions and pregnant women. Regular flu shots make up the bulk of the vaccine supply produced for the United States. The nasal-spray flu vaccine — a vaccine made with live, weakened flu viruses that is given as a nasal spray (sometimes called LAIV for “Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”). The viruses in the nasal spray vaccine do not cause the flu. LAIV is approved for use in healthy* people 2 to 49 years of age who are not pregnant. About two weeks after vaccination, antibodies develop that protect against influenza virus infection. Flu vaccines will not protect against flu-like illnesses caused by non-influenza viruses. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the three influenza viruses that research suggests will be most common. Want to know more symptoms ? How does it Spread? Well, here's some basic facts for you all :


Transcript: Influenza Interesting Facts on The Influenza Virus: Influenza Quiz! How It Is Contracted: Influenza Timeline Information Citations "Influenza." Influenza. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Influenza-Symptoms." WebMD. WebMD. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 20 Aug. 2011. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Influenza Fact Sheet." Influenza Fact Sheet. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Influenza Questions and Answers." Influenza Questions and Answers. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Long-Term Effects of Influenza." LIVESTRONG.COM. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Influenza Prognosis." Influenza Prognosis. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Flu Treatment, Influenza Prognosis." - Flu (Influenza). Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "55 Interesting Facts About . . ." 55 Interesting Facts about the Flu. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Influenza Facts." Influenza Facts. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Common Menu Bar Links." Influenza : OSH Answers. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Flu Symptoms & Severity." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 29 June 2011. Web. 28 May 2012. <>. 1. What is Influenza Caused by? a) A bacteria b) Parasites c) Unknown d) A virus 2.When was Influenza exposed/discovered? a)During the Ice Age b)After One Direction Released "What Makes You Beautiful" as a hit single c)After humans began to domesticate animals d)After Dora tells Swiper to stop Swiping The word "influenza" comes from the Italian word, influentia because people thought that it was influenced by the planets, stars, and moon that caused the flu. Scientists believe that flu pandemics happen about 2 or 3 times a century. Pigs can become infected with influenza strains that can infect three different species; pigs, birds and humans. The Influenza virus is ranked the sixth leading cause of death among Americans. If Infected, You Will Need To: Most people with Influenza doesn't need special medicine or treatment. Fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or feeling chills Aching muscles, commonly in the back, arms, or legs Headache Dry cough Fatigue(general feeling of sickness) and weakness Loss of appetite Nasal congestion Runny nose dry or sore throat By: Jessica Huynh Veronica Astorga P. 1 The Flu Symptoms/ How it is Diagnosed rest drink a lot of fluids stay home eat a lighter diet Take some acetaminophen (for example, like Tylenol®) to reduce your fever temperature and to relieve muscle pain. The Prognosis for the Patient The Future of This Disease: The influenza is diagnosed by the appearance of specific signs and symptoms of the influenza. It can be confirmed through laboratory testing of throat specimens or blood samples. Pictures How the Influenza Virus Can Be Treated: People who have influenza recover completely within one or two weeks, but for other people, it can develop life-treating problems, like cardiac complications, Reye's syndrome, and Gullain Barre Syndrome. "A Place to Put My Stuff." : Disney #15. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Google Images." Google Images. Web. 27 May 2012. <>. "Google Images." Google Images. Web. 28 May 2012. <> "Ain Health." Avian Influenza (H5N1 Virus) and Swine Influenza (H1N1 Virus) -. Web. 28 May 2012. <>. "Sick People Clip Art Images." Sick People Clip Art Images. Web. 28 May 2012. <>. The future of the Influenza virus is how there will be another human Influenza pandemic. The Influenza virus has a possible chance that it will emerge from the Eurasian aquatic bird reservoirs . It also involves with the classification of the humans and the avian strains, with the growth of mutations that would allow increase the pathogenicity among humans. The History of Influenza It can be prevented by getting annual vaccinations,which is the most effective


Transcript: Discrimination against the disabled Fatigue muscle aches throat irritation, fever Fatigue muscle aches throat irritation, fever sneezing Watery eyes runny nose how can influenza be threatened Other Names For Influenza •Influenza A usually arrives between early winter and early spring. •Influenza B can appear at any time of the year. Influenza viruses spread in tiny liquid caused by coughing and sneezing. They spread from person to person. Sometimes people become infected by touching something that was recently touched with the virus and then touching their mouth or nose. Most adults may be able to infect others beginning one day before they show symptoms and up to five days after becoming sick. How Influenza Is Spreaded Influenza A; Influenza B Influenza viruses spread through the air, most often when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks. Influenza is highly contagious and is easily spread from person to person by droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person. Influenza can be prevented by annual vaccination it is recomended for the folloing people •Adults and children with chronic heart or lung disease. •People of any age who are residents of nursing homes and other chronic care facilities. •People over the age of 65 years. •People with chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and kidney disease Influenza A & Influenza B Symptoms Of Influenza Statistics about DMD IT only happends to male people. how Influenza can be prevented Flu is caused by a virus in the body. It spreads when infected persons cough, sneeze, or even talk around others. You can get the flu simply by touching a surface like a telephone or doorknob that has been contaminated by a touch from someone who has the flu. The viruses can pass through the air and enter your body through your nose or mouth. If you have touched a contaminated surface, they can pass from your hand to your nose or mouth. History of Influenza


Transcript: reported symptoms: Symptoms Treatment for the Swine Influenza virus are antiviral drugs like amantadine rimantadine oseltamivir zanamivir For Treatment for a seasonal flu, over the counter flu reliefs work too the influenza virus is round, almost like a potato CDC Influenza the "Flu" The Influenza Virus H1N1 Flu Virus Influenza as a Pathogen Size and Shape Treatment some more severe symptoms: Influenza, as a pathogen, enters and takes advantage of the body when the immune system is down. It then establishes itself within the lungs and the respiratory tract. The respiratory tract then becomes the main target for infections, especially for respiratory bacterial infections. Immunosuppression then occurs rendering the immune system to become temporarily deficient. Influenza virus can infect different cells in the upper and lower respiratory tracts influenza particles magnified 265,000x Pattern and Growth Influenza virus invades across the epithelial surfaces of the respiratory tract. (Sweet&Smith,305) It breaches the mucosal defenses and grabbs cells fever lack of appetite runny nose sore throat eye irritation coughing nausea vomiting diarrhea recovering with the swine flu some die (rare) long term possibly:chronic fatigue syndrome same as any other flu: body aches, fatigue Swine Infuenza is a virus that causes a respriatory disease in pigs; virus does not normally infect humans the virus is called a "variant virus" because abnormal outbreaks in people. Came from Mexico in April 2009 symptoms are close to Seasonal Flu; only lab tests can determine whether or not youhave contracted the disease How does it effect the body? Mode of Transmission Swine Influenza by Somer Krick Outcome difficulty breathing high fever confusion dizziness severe vomiting worsening of previous flu symptoms chest or abdominal pain Bibliography Swine Flu virus came from exposure to infected pigs virus is spread from person to person contact also spread if you are near an infected pig particles are spread when an infected person sneezes or coughs however, not possible to get it through eating pork a globular particle that is about 100nm in diameter


Transcript: Influenza Influenza is a virus. Influenza affects humans and animals. Symptoms for Influnza include: -Coughing -Sore Throat -Runny or Stuffy Nose -Muscle or Body Aches -Headaches -Fatigue -Chills -Vomiting -Diarrhea Influnza is not fatal There are detection tests for influenza. There is a shot that helps prevent influenza. This is commonly known as a flu shot. The best way to avoid the flu is to get the yearly flu shot. Some other ways that can help stop the spread of the flu are: -Wash your hands regularly -Avoid close contact with others -Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth -Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze There currently is no cure for influenza. However, you can treat the symptoms of the disease. You can treat the symptoms of influenza by getting lots of bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Taking medicine for headaches and muscle aches also can help make you feel better. The flu lasts around five days before the symptoms reside. The 1918 Influenza Pandemic It was World War 1 and Germany had just sent a massive amount of troops to Britain and France in a surprise attack. They were overwhelmed with the attack, and desperatly asked American troops for backup. America did come help them with plenty of weapons, but they had actually brought one weapon thay didn't even know they had. The Spanish flu. This disease would eventually spread across Europe and America, killing more people than the war itslelf. It went like this. Troops became infected with the Spanish flu while fighting in the war. Then they returned home, and infected everyone there. Over forty million people were killed. Citations Formal: N/A. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Last Revised January 6, 2012. Center For Disease Control and prevention. n.d. Web. January 8, 2012. Informal: -The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Virginia Aronson 2000 -Kidshealth 1995-2012 by Caelan Schneider

Influenza Influenza viruse

Transcript: Influenza is totally different from cold. Symptoms begin with chills, high fever, headache, muscle pain. After those early symptoms,nasal discharge,nasal congestion, cough, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea will show up. Influenza usually underlying 1 to 2 days. However, the maximum days of underlying is up 7days. The statistic and interesting of influenza is that infecting speed and early symptom occurs are really quick comparing with other disease. Also influenza virus goes out from body really quick comparing with other disease too. Influenza is most common in China. It infect to people who have weak immunity which are example of children or older people. Influenza do not have exactly data of where did it start. However, it started BC 412 years in Hippocrates and Rivi. Refrences Influenza and Influenza virus Miumi Watanabe Block 4 Influenza will infected by droplet infection.It usually infect to respiratory tract. However, it will infect through hands of people sometimes. There are 3 to 5 million people are getting infected and 250 to 500 thousand people are dieing because of influenza. There are many ways of treatment or cure. However, the famous ones that are using nowadays are drip antibiotics, control value of body water, intake of nutrition etc... Also it will be better to people to take longer sleep with cooling down the body. How do influenza and influenza virus works How do influenza and influenza virus works

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