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Medieval Europe Powerpoint Templates

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Medieval powerpoint

Transcript: Kings Life Styles and culture Some of the greatest art came from this time period. The black death swept across Europe killing approximately 1/3 of its population. archery By: Danny Galli Jobs/skills Apothecary Major events Chess Honorable class of soldier in the ranks of midieval military. Usually heavily armored and skilled. Swore to the code of chivalry. In other words, defend the weak, be loyal to their king, and serve God at all times. They were part of the upper class. Supreme ruler of a kingdom. Had highest authority. A kingdom is passed on from king to son upon the kings' death. Checkers Blacksmith Knights The middle ages Most middle age cuisine consisted of the basics like bread, potatos and other home grown products. For the rich, they had more exquisite food like roast pork and elaborate desserts. Most people drank ale, mead and cider, but the rich drank many different wines. Peasants Cuisine Lots of gambling Considered the most painful form of medieval torture, the rack stretches its victims to extremes as it slowly pulls on the victims upper and lower body. Art competitions Law and order >An important occupation in a medieval society. The blacksmith makes the weapons and armor for military use. >The apothecary also played an important role in a kingdom. They helped cure the sick with natural herbs and remedies. Punishments for crimes were extreme in medieval times. They would use torture to intimidate and strike fear into the people of the kingdom. Recreation The life of a peasant in the middle ages was a harsh and enduring one. They worked most of the day and contracted many illnesses due to poor living conditions. The average life expectancy was approximately 35 years.

Europe Powerpoint

Transcript: SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT MAP North America North America 38 % 27 % 18 % 11 % 6 % Demographics NGO 18 % 25 % 18 % 30 % 9 % Facts Sales Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1M 2M 3M 5M 6M 7M LATAM LATAM 17 % 30 % 18 % 25 % 10 % Demographics NGO 9 % 11 % 28 % 14 % 38 % Facts Sales Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 1M 2M 3M 5M 6M 7M Europe. Created by Preston Clark Europe. Created by Preston Clark 11 countries total. Countries Countries 743.1 million people Population Population Artict and atlantic ocean. Oceans that Border Europe Oceans that Border Europe 54.5260 degrees N, 25.2551 degrees E Latitide and Longitude Latitide and Longitude 3.932 million square miles, second smallest continent. Land Size Land Size It depends where in eroupe some places can be cold while some places are warmer. Climate Climate Common Curtial Heritage Culture Culture English Lanuage Lanuage Casual Clothes Clothes A forest in Europe is being de forested causing anmilas to die and could easily endanger an anmial specise Enviorment Enviorment Europiean Mole, Europiean pine mattin, Europiean bison, and Europiean lynx Anmials Anmials Eiffel Tower, Leaning tower of pizza, Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and Stonehenge Attriactions Attriactions Queen Elizbeth. Goverment Goverment Guard, Bulider, and Artist Jobs Jobs Eble, Main, Douro, Volga, Po, sava, Loire, Ebro, and Don River Rivers Rivers Europe once had control of america History History Africa Africa Middle East Middle East Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Asia Asia Australia Australia

Medieval Europe

Transcript: The King gave land to the Nobles who paid rent in the form of continuing loyalty and military support. The Nobles provided the king with money and advice. Knights would fight in wars for the king and guard the person and property of the Nobles. Peasants worked on the knight's or noble's land. They paid taxes of using the land with crops. Towns tried to limit the number of people in the streets at night by having street patrollers. People had to be in their homes by 9:00pm or risk being arrested. Nobles would have to fight with the accuser, people believe God would reward the innocent person with victory. Placing their hand over a fire was another way of proving innocence or guilt. Punishments were meant to fit the 'crime'. For example, a women who nagged their husbands were tied to a ducking stool and ducked three times into the river. Many punishments included: Paying a fine Doing extra work Being put into a pen with a wild dog Scold's bridle Ducking stool Stretching Beheading Hanging Crime Control Other tools had to be operated by more than one person, these were ones that could break castle walls. Trebuchet Battering Ram Ballista Mangonel When a castle was under siege, many of the knights would head out to battle on the castle tops. Many weapons were used such as: Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows Swords, Battle-axes, Maces Siege Castles Castles were built to maintain power and protect property of the owner against an enemy attack, withstand a siege and act as a military base While building castles, the builders would use many different methods for carrying the stone blocks from one place to another. Pulleys Scaffolds Baskets for carrying stone and earth Medieval Europe Punishments Feudal System

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

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