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Powerpoint Template Measurement

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Transcript: Standard Units and Why We Need Them Think about it, if everyone made up their own measurements, nobody would know what you were talking about. We need one unified system that scientists use to measure and conduct experiments. This way it is easy to publish your findings and replicate the experiment again and again. Volume of a Liquid - >is simply the amount of space a liquid takes up >the units are liters > We use beakers, graduated cylinders, and Erlenmeyer flasks!! Volume of a Cube = +finding out how much space a 3-D shape takes up +to do this, you need to measure the length, width and height +then multiply the three numbers together +make sure to label your answer depending on what unit, usually millimeters, meters, or centimeters and make sure to add the cubed symbol *x stands for multiply V = lxwxh It is the amount of space an object takes up. The unit is grams. You can find the mass of an object using ...(insert drum roll please) Length The measurement or extent of an object from end to end. Units = meters, centimeters We use rulers and meter sticks to measure length. Time The indefinite continued progress of events. Units Hours, minutes, and seconds Temperature The degree or intensity of heat present in the air or in a substance or object. Units and Tools Temperature is measured using degrees Celsius. We use thermometers to tell us the temperature. Triple Beam Balance !!!!!! Yay!! The End! Measurement!!! Hope You Learned Something . . . By Sylvia Leary Mass No not weight, MASS!

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